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Jan Charles Marfyak (1906-1990) was an artist whose work spans several decades. His art is known for its unique blend of abstract and representational elements that combine to produce stunning visuals.


This site is dedicated to preserving his legacy by showcasing his art to the world. We show a wide range of his works, from his early sketches to his later masterpieces. We believe that art has the power to inspire and enrich our lives, and we hope that our collection will do just that for you.

Much of his artwork was preserved by his son since 1990.  None of these paintings have been marketed until now.  Most paintings were stored or only given to family and friends.  They are now just being made available through this site or at a few select galleries.  We are showing the collection that continues to be displayed with the family and have others that will be available for sale.  Please sign up on the mailing list to stay current with these efforts. 

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